We had an old pitchfork laying in tall grass with the tines pointing up and me and my sister were playing tag. So I was running very fast and caught it on my leg and then fell on it. I didn't go to the hospital even though I should've, and now like 11 years later I have a funny round scar on my ankle.
Feb 25, 2025

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8.6 best new scar
Feb 25, 2025

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when i was 17 i was walking on a kind of muddy trail next to a quarry and slipped and fell in. i was mostly fine, just bruised and scraped up, but i got a pretty sick 8-ish inch long scar on the outside of my leg. it’s mostly faded now but when i’m tan you can still kind of see it at the bend of my knee.
Feb 24, 2025
mom was using a machete to clear the tall weeds in our yard at our new house in Thailand. i walked up behind her to ask a question and got caught in her backswing. i clutched my elbow and saw a dark red streak go down my arm. it was so deep you could see ligaments and fat tissue. we had to drive 45 mins into town to get stitches and tetanus shot but at least i got out of yard work for the day. lucius is so jealous of this scar lmao i also have a scar on my leg from a lipoma (benign fat tumor) that needed removal in high school. and a huge scar from surgery to repair my broken collarbone from the seatbelt that saved me from dying in a horrible accident in college. i have metal plates and screws holding me together. and a few scars on my hands and wrists from the broken windshield glass.
Feb 24, 2025
And now I have a crescent shaped scar on my ankle! Also have a big one on my knee from falling down on the street in roller blades after I said I knew how to roller blade
Feb 24, 2025

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