On the upper west side, there’s big hills in riverside park that can’t be maintained by park gardeners, so the city houses goats on the hill in the summer. The goats keep the brush from overflowing and you can visit them!
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Feb 26, 2025

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One of my favorite places that‘s somehow still within the city limits. Beautiful any time of year, even when things aren’t in bloom, given the views of the Palisades across the Hudson. You can linger as long as you want so I love to bring a picnic lunch and a book and camp out all day when I go up. The tiny greenhouses, I daresay, have far better variety than either of the city botanical gardens (currently a ton of orchids on) and for the low price of $10. Just an excellent place that no one seems to know about.
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💯 echo the north woods of CP, Riverside, and Inwood- and also being near the water during summer mornings and evenings, whether that’s the lawns at Chelsea Piers or the south section of Domino Park; and then, both the Bronx and BK botanic gardens consistently re-charge me during the winter/spring flux time (especially given how huge the BX grounds are). Obvi paying to go isn’t ideal, but both have some good discounted or pay what you want options for NYers that are worth looking into! 🌳
Feb 28, 2024

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