I’m tired of my friendships only being sustained through the exchange of memes and reels. i crave proper conversations- where the other person shows equal interest. I’m tired of people pretending to not care or not be too interested or that they have other options?! ughhhh we are all too scared of being perceived differently from how we wish to be perceived because of how much we get to control our image on the internet (read receipts off- can’t let them know i read their message) It feels like people literally throw their phone away in the fear that they’ll seem too interested after they message you- which defeats the entire point of a conversation.
Feb 26, 2025

Comments (11)

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So true , I love sharing and discussing hobbies
Feb 27, 2025
I see this so much in gen z like WHERE IS THE PASSION?! it’s why I only have 2 friends also.
Feb 27, 2025
i feel this with my girlfriend sometimes. She’s literally the best but sometimes it just feels like written words are sosososo useless when i’m trying to convey how i actually feel
Feb 26, 2025
started combatting this by sending my friends stories through voice memos, i find one voice memo exchange feels closer and more meaningful than a string of texts that kind of say nothing
Feb 26, 2025
carlyjohnson always love it when friends send voice notes! love listening to what’s happening in their lives
Feb 27, 2025
so, so, so true, i am exhausted of hiding my genuine interest in people and the things around me. why do i have to diminish my joy for the sake of others?
Feb 26, 2025
I actively protest this every day by interaction. I am always interested in everything my friends have to say and I am always there to listen. More people just need to stick their neck out and I feel like a lot more people would do better socially.
Feb 26, 2025
I have actually just stopped interacting with people unless they show any interest back. I used to be super enthusiastic and I really tried to bring people together and I always tried to put my best effort to maintain any relationship I had but i realised soon enough that in order for a relationship to be maintained, one needs to be relevant. Every unseen message, every forgotten promise is a painful reminder of my irrelevance. Maybe it's just a rant but I just wish I was taken a bit more seriously.
Feb 26, 2025
I feel this! I’m def someone that runs from the texts but I also experience the exhaustion you’re talking about: constant fielding of memes and messages but no real conversation. Like we’re in touch ALL THE TIME so it all feel like closeness/community but no one’s really saying anything or saying it with intent (I’m seeing your story and it feels like your talking to me but you’re not really talking to me). It’s like the drain of socialization without the (essential) benefits!
Feb 26, 2025
damnn read receipt off seriously it feels like i'm talking to myself haha..
Feb 26, 2025
realest thing i’ve read all month
Feb 26, 2025

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phones are tools to connect with yr friends they are not the connection. my fav (and worst) memories of my friends isn’t over text, it’s in person or even over the phone. texts and dms are tools to get to that connection, not where the connection happens. constant access to our friends through social media and texts lulls is into thinking we’re connected, when it really isn’t true, i just know that u posted a photo of yr cat or that yr on vacation or yr state of being. that’s just information, not connection. This is a tuff take and Ive lost friends over it, bc in truth, i wouldn’t meet their needs as parasocial/internet connection makes me so miserable and that can have consequences. it’s tough to loose them but I’m happier with people who understand me and vice versa.
This might be a hot take but i truly believe that real life friends should not be mutuals on my social media. As a person i love my alone time, being online doesn’t mean i am available which seems like it’s hard to understand nowadays and a lot of people can even take it personally. - Yes i am posting, yes my status is Green but do i wanna talk ? No. Do i wanna reply to your Meme ? No. I wanna use the internet to feed my soul, watch what interests me, listen to music, read articles, interact with the content that inspires me. And because of that i am known to be the DND guy. You texted me ? No notification. You called me ? Voice mail You sent me a tiktok thing ? I will reply when i am in the mood which could be within hours or days.
1d ago
do y’all ever think about getting off social media but then you worry about how you’ll keep in touch with your friends? i’ve been thinking about this a lot bc i wanna delete ig but it’s where i talk to some of my rly close friends. i hate that it monopolizes connection like that. but i also had this realization that like the people i follow/follow me on ig are not “friends” they’re just superficial connections. real, deep, long meaningful relationships (which i’m craving) i think do require me to get the fuck offline and take the time i was mindlessly scrolling and putting it back into myself or my friends is where i’ll see the greatest positive feedback. and being PRESENT in those relationships. i feel like this is what that book the dopamine generation is about butttttt haven’t read it yet.
Feb 4, 2025

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recommending change on here cause today i woke up in a different city and even tho i was extremely nervous about moving- i feel so good,, i needed this change in scenery.
i love to figure out where I’m going in advance and all the interesting cafes, places to see in different places + checking the distance between places! I have all these different lists saved for places to visit in different cities (yes i usually take charge of the itinerary) i like to think im really good with directions honourable mention: geoguesser 🌏
Mar 6, 2025
it’s happeningggg I’ve been praying for this to happen for so long and now that it’s finally happening I am soooo scared and so anxious. I always say I love change and can handle it but i can now say that was a big lie cause im !!! i have never lived in another city in my life even tho I came close to leaving many times. it took so much time to happen but now it feels like it’s so soon 🤞🤞🧿🧿