Likes literally do not matter even a little!!! The reason is because they aren't an actual representation of how many people enjoy what you're making. Clicking like on a post is usually done with thoughtless hollowness and it's forgotten the moment they scroll on. It doesn't really measure anything at all about you or your content, nothing that matters. More likes doesn't mean more people care, and fewer likes doesn't mean less people care. They're absolutely worthless and indicate nothing! Don't worry about them! Thoughtful comments are more valuable because someone took the time to write something, but even then, doing everything in your power to GET COMMENTS or GET LIKES just means you're trying desperately to exploit system to farm meaningless things. Just appreciate what you naturally get and move on!
Feb 27, 2025

Comments (2)

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Thank you for taking the time to write this. I really appreciate it and it actually helped 😌 🙏🏽
Feb 28, 2025
3li3li yippee! thank you for the thoughtful comment!! the knowledge that i could help a little meant a lot more than a like, haha!
Feb 28, 2025

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omg i totally get what you mean and i have the same but just think to post for yourself and if other people like or reply that’s nice too but not necessary just try not to overthink it also a lot of people probably don’t physically like your posts but still read them and like them generally so just because your not getting much back doesn’t mean people don’t care
Feb 21, 2025
the less fuck you give, the happier you will be. i cannot stress this enough but please don't let those mf ruin things for you; may it be music, movie, or anything silly that makes you happy. who cares !!?!
Jun 16, 2024
trying 2 get better at not caring about the little things tbh
Jan 22, 2024

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You ever make something with your own hands? A painting, a pot, a shed, a sandwich? A meal, a magic trick, a poem, a photo? Every act of creation is an act of self expression! Everything I make is me, and mine! Boy what a thrill! I even made this! You're reading it! It's me! Hello!
Feb 28, 2025
Life is so dang busy. When you're on a plane, it's like, "oh, I have no internet and I can't move from this spot from several hours. I guess I am forced to do whatever I want." And then you play video games or read a book or draw or sleep!!! feels to good to be forced to do whatever you want, because I won't allow myself to do it otherwise!!
Feb 27, 2025
It's just like... oh! hello creature! how are you!! and it maybe looks at you for a moment before running away or it ignores you or it stops and stares at you for a full minute!!! like, they're all such innocent babies! i know they kill each other but like... awww none of you know what taxes are you precious little things! you can't tell the difference between a normal word and a hateful slur! you're so darling!!! go back into nature and keep being clueless you sweet little pea!!! so happy for you!
Feb 27, 2025