I need a singular book that tells me how to do laundry, fill out paperwork, understand insurance, etc. because I feel like I know nothing and I keep making mistakes and it’s making me lose my marbles a little (a lot).
lol before reading the caption i was ready to suggest more philosophical stuff 😭 mostly not books but some things u could check out:
for (renter-friendly!) repairs you might like safe & sound by mercury stardust
@/weeklyhomecheck on instagram has weekly advice (and all prev videos) on all kinds of stuff related to the home
for health info, lots of websites like verywell or self’s feel well articles & pp’s website have lots of info e.g. what vaccines adults need (or just asking ur primary care dr for any info/advice if u have a good one!)
good housekeeping and the spruce’s websites have a ton of tutorials or guides on cleaning, laundry, organizing etc. in the home (just be mindful on some of their products lists, some may be ”sponsored”)
i like the rocket money app for budgeting, ik some people like YNAB instead
val you’ll never believe I actually went to the bank by myself today and did things, learned things…shouldve known it wasn’t that hard if it’s just the old men doing it!
valoorie imkhushi my little secret about going to the bank or any similar stressful adult situation is remembering that the people who work there are paid to help you and they’re going to be nice about it 🫶
For the laundry one there’s this amazing guy on YouTube (jeevesny) who is a second generation dry cleaner that posts amazing laundry content. You probably only want like a single chapter about laundry in this hypothetical book but Jeeves also legit wrote a book called “The Laundry Book: A Complete Guide to Caring for Your Clothes and Linens”.
valoorie okay NOTED LOL I will add it to the docket of future projects. For now I recommend the books Home Comforts and Miss Manners’ Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Etiquette!!!
Rec: How To Be An Adult by David Richo (where the declarations are from) not your average self-help book
(photo is soo tiny lol but if you click it should enlarge)
You will surprise yourself and you will connect with the coolest groups of people. Don’t let imposter syndrome or rejection stop you. Get rejected one hundred times. It’s worth it for the times you’ll be seen and accepted and supported. And you get to support others while you’re at it.