There is no judgment and its like a big sleepover with the girlies. You can literally post anything and it doesn’t matter. Also having multiple blogs helps with me having 100 different aesthetics.
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Feb 27, 2025

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I’ve been on Tumblr since 2008. I had a blogspot for a while, which stills exists except none of the images were properly embedded so it’s just like, a bunch of text saying things like “i love this picture! i want to kiss somebody! I love music!” Tumblr is, in my opinion, the best social media site out there. It feels like the only place where images and information are passed around, saved and shared in a really earnest and personal way lol. I know twitter sort of works this way, too but I’m just not a twitter person, as much as I’d love to be. It’s also just a really lovely way of saving reference media, and it’s as anonymous as you want it to be. I love to use my tumblr as a mood board for my life. People are also soooo funny on tumblr, and I love the dashboard layout, it’s so soothing to me lol..but maybe it’s soothing because i’ve been using it as a comfort since I was, like, 12. I am rooting for tumblr to survive for as long as possible. Follow me @grossives it’s not that interesting but I give you full permission to scroll back to 2012 when I was reblogging cobra snake pictures of models, and flash photos of crystal blue pool water lol.
Dec 20, 2022
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tumblr will ultimately be the best place on the internet. due to the nostalgia from being a long time user & seeing the effects that it’s had on the internet & on a whole generation of people, till this day it remains my favorite. i’m glad it’s something that folks still actively use & that i find joy in reblogging the awesome things that i like such as archive fashion, stills from film, poetry & more. (a favorite post of mine as shown in the image attached. david lynch forever.)
Jan 17, 2025
i think that while it had it's own host of problems it was really the ideal social media. multiple media formats were supported. it was easily searchable. the ui was perfect; minimalist, iconic, but also customizable. while there was some kind of recommendation algorithm it really was just largely user-sourced: you followed specific blogs, specific tags, and that ultimately led to a super rich online experience where for certain the stuff you wanted to see was on your timeline and if you saw something you didn't recognize but liked (or something you recognized but didn't like) you could actually change your feed to include (or exclude) that new content, which more often than not came from people / tags you were already following subculture on tumblr flourished in a way that instagram and twitter have never replicated; the fact that you could follow a$ap yams, frank ocean, et al and be tapped into this new moment in art and media or be in the pits of fandom tumblr or just be somewhere in the middle and constantly see cool photos, essays, etc. (where again, all of this is indexed on specific tags so people can post common stuff on the same thread) is just so much what the ideal digital platform is (for me, at least) - and unlike ig and twitter, you could be multi-faceted on tumblr; the algorithm (or your followers) didn't punish you for liking and posting about multiple things instagram has carved its niche out by asking users "how monetizable can you make yourself?" twitter has carved its niche out by asking users "how disaffected and aloof can you make yourself?" tumblr was the only place where you weren't actively punished just for being earnest. it's still around but it absolutely isn't the same and the second someone can make a website with the exact same feature set without getting sued i'm so fucking there. pi.fyi is the first site that feels "tumblr-esque" in a while (honorable mention to are.na which i just haven't had the patience to figure out yet)
Apr 1, 2024

Top Recs from @heyitsi2

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All of my journeys and people i’ve met on the walls with unique furniture i’ve collected that has found me throughout my life, warm and mainly reminiscent of my childhood home. No real aesthetic just life, lots of different patterns and plants on every shelf along with books and an abundance of physical media. Basically where I would want to be raised as a child. Keep in mind this is my final home I would take my last steps in not exactly my college apartment or something of my early days. Similar to Gilmore Girls home, or even the Call Me by Your Name house!
Jan 26, 2025
no debates.
Jan 27, 2025
Fear never goes away you just need to move your body and shut up. I am an insane over thinker and I never stop thinking. I solo traveled to Argentina and I am going to a concert in a few days alone. If you keep at what you love even alone you will meet people on a similar path soon enough or maybe not! But you will learn a lot about yourself, and who you are. Also in regards to confidence. It’s a muscle not a thought process or a personality trait. You need to consistently work at it to keep it strong! you got this!
Jan 27, 2025