It’s been so long since I‘ve woken up and felt inspired to make the day my bitch. I miss being silly, I miss feeling gratitude. I want to notice life again; feel the pulse of the earth beating alongside mine. I spend my time dulling myself on Instagram, or dreaming about my future in the mountains or ocean or California—somewhere magical where I’m happy. Be where your feet are. That’s the mantra that was grinded into me a few summers ago. Be present and you’ll be happy. Somewhat, I’ve been trying this. meditation once a week or occasional yoga. But I’m not doing enough to make a serious impact. May this post be my marker. The year is pretty much still fresh, spring is coming (hopefully), and I pledge to be more presen. I shall wake up ready to happy light and go to bed with a belly full of tea. Let the joy return!!!!!!
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Feb 28, 2025

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try vitamin d gummies. the sun drastically affects our mood!
Feb 28, 2025
This is exactly where I am too. Now but also for a few years. But some days are better, it’s true. I like the mantra. I shall borrow it. I don’t know how to tackle the burnout and that bothers me. About the tea before bed though - that will make you pee a lot during the night. I take things literally so that thought bothers me.
Feb 28, 2025
You got this!!! Spring is just around the corner :) although if ur from NM u know spring is the worst season there
Feb 28, 2025

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