Sometimes I hear a melody or harmony or rhythm thats so sweet or brilliant or grooving that I get almost mad. A brew of hope, jelousy, and pure apreciaton wells in my stomache crescendoing to a twisted face hanging off a dancing head.
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Feb 21, 2025

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i might have a problem, let that be said. however, there's this pub near me that does jam sessions every tuesday. you just put your name in and then get called up w like 4/5 other musical geezers and the jam begins. let me tell u when they let some of these drummers loose, something in my head is pure set on fire. idk if it's because it's live or just the pints in my system, but i get the overwhelming urge to tell them just how brilliant i think they are, and i cannot nor do i want to fight this urge. cut to unsuspecting man being faced with the crazed look in my eyes as i pour my heart out.
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theres so much and so little time. explore every genre, dance, sing, cry, yearn and long for everything!!!!! feel it!!!!! inject it into your soul
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Top Recs from @firewizard44

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It’s been so long since I‘ve woken up and felt inspired to make the day my bitch. I miss being silly, I miss feeling gratitude. I want to notice life again; feel the pulse of the earth beating alongside mine. I spend my time dulling myself on Instagram, or dreaming about my future in the mountains or ocean or California—somewhere magical where I’m happy. Be where your feet are. That’s the mantra that was grinded into me a few summers ago. Be present and you’ll be happy. Somewhat, I’ve been trying this. meditation once a week or occasional yoga. But I’m not doing enough to make a serious impact. May this post be my marker. The year is pretty much still fresh, spring is coming (hopefully), and I pledge to be more presen. I shall wake up ready to happy light and go to bed with a belly full of tea. Let the joy return!!!!!!
Feb 28, 2025
IF YOU ARE YOUNG & LOOKING FOR A JOB, PLEASE CONSIDER WOKRING IN A RESTURAUNT. Pros: - The work isn't extremely difficult - Masterclass in empathy + kindness - Low barrier to entry - Infinite friends to be made - Learn more about humans + yourself - Free good food - Flexible availability Cons: - You'll have too much money - Won’t want to get a traditional job - Will feel obligated to tip at least %30 when eating out
Feb 21, 2025
I haven't lived very long, but so far in my expirence love and grief have made me feel most human. There are plenty of other feelings that connect me to life & the beauty of living, but love and grief seem to be the most potent. Do we appreciate these emotions because they make us feel complex & beautiful, or is it because of the pure, visceral intensity of the feelings themselves? I asked AI, and it told me it would never biologically be able to understand what it feels like to experience an emotion. That made me cry.
Feb 20, 2025