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im an 18 year old bisexual, polyam trans man. also whispanic (cuban + puerto rican). i love collecting things (littlest pet shops, clown and jester dolls and figures, tokidoki, pins and buttons, rocks and crystals, shells and coral... etc etc). ive been making kandi for around 7 years, it's my special interest! also autistic with adhd so that's fun... i like to read, i like movies, i LOVE horror but i still shut my eyes at intense gore 😭 ive been teaching myself to sew lately and working on patch pants. i love all different kinds of music. gift giving is my primary love language, i work at dunkin, my room is a reflection of my interests, and i love funky fashion. outfits are my main form of self-expression :] also, here's a pic from roswell because it's my favorite place ive ever visted!
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nobody irl has ever understood me the way she does before. i dont have to explain myself to her, but she lets me anyways because it makes me feel better. she has the most wonderful interests and the most vibrant personality, and she likes hearing about my interests, and whenever i talk to her about anything there's such a feeling of understanding. i called her one time in tears over something i struggle with due to autism that was negatively impacting me, and she told me how beautiful it is that my brain works differently and she wouldn't change a thing about me. i kind of downplayed it in my head until she called me crying a few days later over almost the exact same thing, and it really made me think about how if i can feel that for her, she really could feel that for me. i wouldn't change anything about her, and she truly gets me in a way that's so difficult to explain. she just understands me. im seeing her this weekend for an extremely belated valentines day celebration and im very excited :]
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ive been struggling on and off lately with depersonalization. i have to remind myself who i am, what i like to do, what my interests are, etc. ive been making kandi for around 7 years, so i found that what helped me most was making a messy single solely out of accent beads that i felt represent parts of myself or things that i like. i hope that anyone else who struggles with this can be inspired to do something similar. make an art piece, a sticker collage, a moodboard, a jewelry piece, anything that represents you. you are your own person, remember that and love yourself for it πŸ’š