i was 26 and in a really rough spot in my life, very much rock bottom. So I prayed for some kind of sign or way out, and I started getting all these signs for Nashville. And I’m not a superstitious person, but the “signs” were impossible to not notice. Like, I told a friend about it and she said “I was just about to call you and ask if you want to come to nashville for some meetings this week, I felt like I should bring you.” Anyways thru that connection, i got a job at a nonprofit here.
But here’s the advice: my life SUCKED my first year here. My roommate was awful, I was anxious and I actually missed home. I didn’t know anybody in Nashville why had I done this?
But I stuck around and got thru it and now I’m at so much peace. So I guess, moving isn’t even the hard part sometimes. It’s staying. But I think one year can tell you if I the worth it to stay or find someplace else. But ya just gotta do it.