i had a goal of watching all of the Oscar nominated films this year. I did not achieve that goal. So, although I have predictions based off of critic reviews and other award shows, IM MAKING PREDICTIONS BASED ON THE VIBES OF THE MOVIE POSTERS!!! a real pain? two dudes staring at something? makes me curious, WINNER the brutalist? dude with sparks in front of him? sounds fun, WINNER the substance? girl with stitches in back? thrilling, WINNER thats all thank u
Mar 2, 2025

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This is the first year I’m actually watching the nominations (Starting with best picture and I’ll see how many others I get to). Usually if I’ve seen a nominated movie it is by coincidence. I watch movies for the art not the charts what can I say? Anyway here are my reviews this far: Barbie w/ sunnythoughts https://open.spotify.com/episode/0ZALjQfQB41KcWWgMbgYvm?si=bJ2i72O3Rzuk-7QLo5z-WQ Poor Things: https://boxd.it/5KQjtJ The Zone of Interest: https://boxd.it/5KJFVL Killers of the Flower Moon: https://boxd.it/5KJFVL
Feb 7, 2024
Who would've thought that some of them are pretty good? Award shows are my favorite form of celebrity performance, and it's way more fun when you've seen a bunch of the nominees. The applause, the random camera shots on A-Listers, the snubs... you can read it all on their faces.
Jan 25, 2024
I know I sound mental but I'm crazy about the Oscars. Listen… go back to the 1999 Oscars telecast when Whoopi Goldberg was the host—the one where she came out dressed as Queen Elizabeth the 1st—and tell me that wasn't the most fabulous situation to ever happen in the known universe. I don't care if the movies up for nominations are abysmal. I don't care if you don't like awards-bait dramas shot in black-and-white. I don't care if you're so bored that you drop dead in the middle of your living room! Turn the dial to ABC and suck it up, the future of cinema depends on it because the Oscars are the engine that drives promotion and gets movies greenlit. I think I'd be a great producer on the team for the broadcast itself… I care deeply about preserving the glamour and spectacle of the event. I know exactly who should host (I'm not telling), I know precisely which rules should change to make it more entertaining, and I have great ideas for stunts to pull before and during the broadcast. I also think the Academy should start owning how wrong they are when they vote by creating a new honorary Oscar called a Legacy Award, which can go to any person, film, or talent associated with a movie that has grown to become a classic in the eyes of the world since its eligible year. They could present an Oscar to Drew Barrymore for her performance in Scream—she'd have a breakdown! It would be incredible—or give Oscars to the entire cast and crew of movies like Rocky Horror Picture Show, Election, The Shining, or Showgirls. People would argue about it nonstop and it would be great for ratings. I'm running away with myself now… this is how I get. Point being: watch the stupid fucking Oscars. It's the least you could do. Someone will figure out how to make it fun eventually.
Mar 3, 2022

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i had this french teacher who was so fucking annoying I swear to god, but after watching this movie I realized she was just extremely depressed. and then I was nice to her and she randomly became happier and better at her job. I love a good movie that changes your perspective!!!!! anyways so sad I cried both times I watched this movie, l love paul giamatti!
Mar 2, 2025
tyleralex I have an idea for a feature. It would be nice to see if other people are active on the app. Maybe a little green dot you see on their profile, or something that says “active now“ or “active one hour ago”. Anyways thats all plz let me know what you think
Mar 2, 2025