this year i rewatched juno and was like ohhhh yeahh… now i get it… that man is bad!
i also rewatched good will hunting and was like oh damnnn trueeee the bass in the club rlly hits u sometimes…
gave this club classic a rewatch today, i laughed, i cried, i cringed. such a good film!
honourable mention for jennifer lawrence... for she a baddie and she know she a 10
Enjoyed this commentary about Juno by Trin Lovell. One of my favorite movies ever. I especially enjoyed her developing the essence of the grooming subplot between Elliot Page's and Jason Bateman's character and why it was important to see then, as much as now.
wouldn’t recommend this to like a doctor or something but being a bad barista is one of my life’s greatest pleasures… somehow so validating to hand someone comically bad latte art