I'm writing an essay and I've come up with three antidotes to overconsumption.
1. Consume critically. I don't care how many books you read last year - how does your favourite author use literary devices to tell their story? How does your favourite film director create a mood? Figure this out.
2. Create anything. And I really mean anything. Bake a cake, write an essay, knit a scarf. This is probably the best antidote to overconsumption because it preoccupies you, but it also helps develop some respect for what it takes to do the things that you consume.
3. Connect with people. It doesn't need to be that deep. DM your favourite content creator that you like their stuff. Comment on people's PI.FYI recs. If you enjoy consuming another person's content, letting them know is just a nice thing to do (and helps avoid parasocial relationships).