I'm writing an essay and I've come up with three antidotes to overconsumption. 1. Consume critically. I don't care how many books you read last year - how does your favourite author use literary devices to tell their story? How does your favourite film director create a mood? Figure this out. 2. Create anything. And I really mean anything. Bake a cake, write an essay, knit a scarf. This is probably the best antidote to overconsumption because it preoccupies you, but it also helps develop some respect for what it takes to do the things that you consume. 3. Connect with people. It doesn't need to be that deep. DM your favourite content creator that you like their stuff. Comment on people's PI.FYI recs. If you enjoy consuming another person's content, letting them know is just a nice thing to do (and helps avoid parasocial relationships).
Feb 12, 2025

Comments (5)

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This is golden, but may I add, to the people reading: It will not be easy, but it will make your life better immensely, you've got this
Feb 13, 2025
Commenting to let you know that I enjoyed this content. But seriously, thanks for the write up totally agree
Feb 13, 2025
I cannot tell you enough how much I needed to hear this right now. Mindful consumption really is the most important thing you can do as a creative. Merely consuming as much content is possible is like over-eating in my experience. Eventually, it just becomes fat.
Feb 12, 2025
jbrockway98 Exactly! And if you consume too much you never really appreciate the deeper details of a piece of work.
Feb 12, 2025
yes to letting them know! and it only takes a sec
Feb 12, 2025

Related Recs

things ive found have helped: - doing less during the day. ik this isnt always an option cause we all have to work, but if you do have things taking up energy that you can cut out, i recommend working towards cutting it - try to not put as much pressure on yourself. you cant run a marathon if you havent started small. sometimes i just try to draw something on a post it note daily - (my favorite) write down the basic thoughts during the day, expand them when you have time. i have a note on my phone full of random thoughts and words and when im feeling stuck, ill go through and pick out the easiest to start working on. for example, i have “handsaw” directly above “the pornification of violence” obv the second is a much more intense and “worthwhile” as a concept, but it is easier to doodle whatever “handsaw” means. its also so fun to have a huge list of the batshit looney things that have crossed my brain, because when i feel empty and heavy i can look at it and remember that i do have creative ideas. - give yourself grace. being a creative is exhausting. its okay to feel utterly overwhelmed by life and the pressure to create. our bodies tell us what we need, and if you need a nap, honor how you feel and spend some time resting <3
Nov 25, 2024
at least casually. don’t delete the accounts but don’t have the apps on your phone either. rediscover your love of reading thru the magic of recognizing titles strangers are holding on the subway. become a subway reader. don’t use sound as an escape from your thoughts/feelings/surroundings. grocery shopping without headphones is actually kind of beautiful! pick up a new hobby or two or three. one of them should be something you’re not good at, and at least one should be no- or low-cost. never. stop. learning. the library, the parks and rec department, and nearby museums offer great materials already but also usually have free lectures or courses. go outside more. like, a lot more. (took this much less literally, so apologies if it’s not what you’re looking for lol — as a narcoleptic I have no tips on how to Not Sleep since Sleep is basically my job)
Sep 30, 2024
- Distancing myself from some areas of the internet - Reading especially non-fiction - Getting to know people in your community - Doing things for people in your community - Cooking - Exploring online resources like Jstor and Internet Archive - Spending time in nature / parks
Jun 19, 2024

Top Recs from @nicolemeilak

Last Monday I took a day off work (paid!) to go to the cinema with my friend and watch three films all in one go - A Complete Unknown, Babygirl and Nosferatu. We went out for coffees and dinner between films, but it was fun to make an outing of it while catching up on the newest films. Try and space out the screenings strategically so you don’t end up spending 12 hours out and about like we did.
Jan 30, 2025
They feel like a sweet treat. I also hate swallowing pills, so it's this or nothing.
Mar 3, 2025