makes me feel like i'm 12 again and my life is a movie. pure warm bliss. my window is open on a summer evening and i'm waiting for my friends to come over. ikimonogakari stereopony yui radwimps
Mar 5, 2025

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ikimonogatari is fire
Mar 7, 2025
@PJT me when typo๐Ÿ˜ž
Mar 7, 2025
@PJT dw i thought it was "ikimonogatari" for the longest time until i read closer
6d ago

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I've been obsessed with this song lately. The soft and soothing vocals along with the plucked electric guitar that sounds like twinkling stars in a clear and warm summer night sky are nothing short of beautiful and incredibly catchy Check out the translated lyrics as well to round out this melancholic yet hopeful and upbeat track
May 23, 2024

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these apps are designed to addict you - you're not gonna be able to stop out of pure willpower. you need to make them inaccessible to you. delete the apps off your phone and use a website blocker to block them on your computer. then set a timer and read until the timer is done. try to focus completely on reading, if you break focus it will be difficult to get back into it. repeat every day until you're finished the book. this is the only method i've used that actually works. you are capable and you can do this!!!
Sorry this is so long ๐Ÿ˜… I have straight, fine hair and I currently use the Herbal Essences rose hip shampoo. It's really great at adding shine and making my hair smooth and soft (also smells yummy ๐Ÿ˜‹). I've also used the Maui Moisture lightweight hydration shampoo (the pink bottle) and liked it. Another thing that has been a game-changer for my hair is double shampooing! Because my hair is so straight and fine, it gets oily very quickly. I discovered double shampooing recently (which is just shampooing twice) and it gives my hair a little volume and it can last longer without looking greasy. I do every other day! For conditioners/leave-ins I highly recommend anything with jojoba oil! My hair LOVES it and since I'm assuming we have similar hair types yours might love it too. This is an add-on but the Tsubaki Fino hair mask is affordable and makes my hair sooooo shiny!
Mar 5, 2025