these apps are designed to addict you - you're not gonna be able to stop out of pure willpower. you need to make them inaccessible to you. delete the apps off your phone and use a website blocker to block them on your computer. then set a timer and read until the timer is done. try to focus completely on reading, if you break focus it will be difficult to get back into it. repeat every day until you're finished the book. this is the only method i've used that actually works. you are capable and you can do this!!!

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By reading the title you might ask how such thing is possible ? if you want to increase your attention span, first thing to do is to let go of your phone right ? Well yes and no. Your phone can definitely be used in your favor ! - On your phone, set up a Focus mode where only important apps can be on your home screen once you activate it. - Depending on the apps, use them wisely and try your best to search what interest you the most, for exemple : Youtube : search video essays about subjects that interest you Audible : to be able to listen to books Spotify : to listen to your songs while reading a book or an E-book - Set the greyscale, less colors = less interest to hold the phone - A focus mode with only the note app on the home screen, start typing on that screen your thoughts, give up to boredom - yes, you should give up and accept the boredom you created on your phone in order to increase the attention span- - Do not Disturb can be your friend, with less noise -notifications- you would be less interested in visiting the apps. With those baby steps, you could eventually start detaching yourself from your phone. As an alternative, use social media on your laptop and you will discover how less interesting are they on the desktop version, Tiktok desktop version is hard to navigate on site, instagram desktop version is boring, replace that navigation with articles to read, video essays on youtube -yes, video essays again- And lastly -the hard mode- is to go out with your phone, however keep the wifi/mobile data OFF :), set a focus mode titled -digital camera- with only the camera app on your home screen, that way you can enjoy your walk and use your phone to take pictures.
Jan 14, 2025
idk if this is a helpful rec but as someone who is chronically on their phone, at one point i just had to be like a) this is a you problem and b) you're never gonna not have this problem. idk what your specific situation is, but for me, once i came to terms with the fact that i fundamentally like the internet and the services social media offers me it was a lot easier to alleviate the guilt of being on it. BUT (and this is the hard part) there is no hacking your way off social media--you just have to do it. once you've accepted it as part of your life you just got to look at yourself every once and a while and say no this is not all i want to be obviously this is easier said than done, but the best thing is to just set a time limit on your phone as a reminder, and then by sheer force of will, keep yourself off it. setting a time limit can be helpful because to use it you have to input a password, but let's be real it's not a high bar, and if we're being honest when i really want to use it i don't think about it at all. but yeah getting off social media is like loosing weight: at one point you just have to start cutting things out and telling yourself its for the better; understanding that one doom scroll on a saturday won't kill you, but also knowing that giving yourself this one excuse puts every other one on the table. at this point, i'm sort of at a harm reduction juncture in my social media journey .
Nov 26, 2024
15 minutes of 100 % focus It sounds annoying but it’s the truth. Use an app to block websites or apps on your devices. Gamify it. 5-10% every day. If it takes less than 2 minutes; do it now. You can do it!
Jun 22, 2024

Top Recs from @jillology

Sorry this is so long πŸ˜… I have straight, fine hair and I currently use the Herbal Essences rose hip shampoo. It's really great at adding shine and making my hair smooth and soft (also smells yummy πŸ˜‹). I've also used the Maui Moisture lightweight hydration shampoo (the pink bottle) and liked it. Another thing that has been a game-changer for my hair is double shampooing! Because my hair is so straight and fine, it gets oily very quickly. I discovered double shampooing recently (which is just shampooing twice) and it gives my hair a little volume and it can last longer without looking greasy. I do every other day! For conditioners/leave-ins I highly recommend anything with jojoba oil! My hair LOVES it and since I'm assuming we have similar hair types yours might love it too. This is an add-on but the Tsubaki Fino hair mask is affordable and makes my hair sooooo shiny!
Mar 5, 2025
makes me feel like i'm 12 again and my life is a movie. pure warm bliss. my window is open on a summer evening and i'm waiting for my friends to come over. ikimonogakari stereopony yui radwimps
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