it‘s one of those things you can only recommend with a million caveats (namely, are you ready to make very little money? are you okay with never being able to get your job off your mind? are you down to be the center of local and national Political Discourse and Angst?) but at the end of the day, i really do Love My Job.
i teach high school math so my highlights and bright spots are a bit different than say, an elementary art teacher, but the kids really are so funny and i love watching the growth that happens throughout the course of a high schooler’s career. not just academically but personally. so much of high school isn’t just about What you want to be but Who you want to be and i love getting to be a part of that.
anyway here is a drawing a student of mine left on his test today that made me giggle—i adore these kids and they really do make the long hard frustrating days worthwhile 🫶🏻🫶🏻