best game EVER !!!!! i like the app by EasyBrain bc u can customize the background and cards and there are daily challenges
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Mar 6, 2025

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YES! it’s the best
Mar 6, 2025

Related Recs

specifically the microsoft solitare app, its so fun. special shoutout to playing hearts in
Sep 26, 2024
I’ve been playing Solitaire since Microsoft 95 days and can occasionally finish a game in 40 seconds. Is this a great achievement? no idea but I can’t not be light speed amazing at this one game, judge me all you like! Every five levels the app gives you a silly solitaire related nick name, and if you pay $10 it gets rid of the ads for those traumatizing weird games where a cartoon woman gets covered in mud and her husband wants a divorce all in the same moment and you find yourself yelling at your phone, ‘honey, are you in danger? Wtf is going on, do you need help??’
Feb 17, 2024
its always great. my app of choice is flick solitaire, but any will do. im not compelled to open the app in the way i have been with other mobile games. there are no levels to beat. nothing changes the more you play. just the same game with the same cards shuffled over and over. i only find myself playing it if im in the waiting room for a doctors appointment or i am taking a particularly long shit. i hope you are well, friend.
Feb 24, 2025

Top Recs from @urbfbear

first things first: u never have to forgive someone if u don’t want to. sometimes there is no reason to not move on from a situation, but that’s still your right. you should take all the time u need to make peace with urself and what happened. my dad once told me that the worst thing you can do to urself is to wish someone else ill will. giving ur energy and thoughts to a situation or person in a way that doesn’t help you process what happened, but only serves to make u upset, is a disservice to urself and ur time. u deserve to be happy and u deserve peace. look of it as a way of letting go of the negative thoughts and emotions that that situation causes u. forgiving someone doesn’t necessarily mean ur justifying what they did, but instead respecting ur right to be happy. u can forgive someone and still not continue that relationship with them. seeing forgiveness as a way to allow urself to grow past a situation and not define urself by it, instead of as a mandatory ritual after someone has wronged you, has helped me to move past people and situations that have hurt me and kept me from growing.