Basically, that “cathedrals are everywhere” thing— see a rec from Baby from a few days ago haha
To be receptive to this, I just have to work at creating things all the time whether I feel inspired or not. Inspiration won’t strike, it’ll seep in from everywhere as long as the practice doesn’t stop. There’s so much to take from the seemingly mundane world that it can actually feel impossible to keep up with all the things I want to try to create.
What excites me is the stuff I can’t explain, but could attempt to convey with art. Inspiration comes as a fragment of an idea that I can’t place or a feeling that’s too wide to grasp all at once. If I understand it instantly, if the idea is complete and I can name it, it might be nice but it is not interesting. If the feeling is open ended, then I can try to recreate that little mystery, like an experiment, or to complete it, and see where that brings me.
I don’t think of the things and people I love as muses, but I guess I’m bound to notice more of what inspires me in the places I frequent the most and people I surround myself with. This is all really vague and rambling, but basically it’s usually little things like the way light hits the branches of a favorite tree or the way someone just picked up a cup.