Went to the dealership and waited for them to replace my car battery. Found a comfy seat only to sit and find that my phone was on it‘s deathbed at 6%. Zoned out some, looked at my hands thoroughly because I couldn‘t remember the last time I did, I have cute nail beds. To keep from dozing off I began rummaging through my unnecessarily large tote bag. •watched a bit of the local news and saw someone died over a catalytic converter (rip) • counted the amount of pills left in the aleve bottle that opened in my bag (73) •went through little paper memories I keep in my wallet (movie tickets- parking passes- old hotel key cards etc) •put my fallen lippies back in the pouch •decided to count all the letters on an old receipt and then all the vowels and then all the numbers (315 letters and 119 vowels and I forgot how many #s )

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Nostalgia courtesy of a dead battery. Mann's modern Death in Venice?
4d ago

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three different lipsticks 2 tubes of lip balm a used metro card a poem I can’t bear to get rid of a beat-up copy of Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? my Smurfette wallet that was my mother’s as a child midol clean tissues five pens a compact mirror a tiny notebook an old The Holdovers ticket from my local movie theater
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Bag is from my mums stash, probably from the 90s but has no labels. Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead by Olga Tokarczuk, only on chapter 2. Notebook, planner I made, red ballpoint pens and pencil tin for watercolours. New glasses now my prescription’s gone up. Lipstick, hair grips and a perfume mini that I don’t want to admit is empty. My wallet, with coffee shop stamp cards, and a prayer card to St Joseph that’s meant to make you immune to traffic accidents and plane crashes. No flight I’ve read it on has gone down yet, and Lou read it before she did a scratch card and won £5, so maybe we’re Catholic now. Silky scarf I got on holiday for my hair. Keys with screaming baby keyring and shiny green bottle opener, plug in headphones & wireless ones.
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Whats in my bag? momma…. A lot. ♠️♥♦♦♥️♠♥♦♥️♦♣♦♣️ 8 different lippies (so far today) 2 nail polishes chorded headphones 5 bobby pins held together by a clear hair tie a notebook with my favorite painting on the cover 🖼️ a pen a white cloth headband (covered in makeup) joints obviously empty joint canisters as well 🙃 empty gum pack an urban decay solstice eyeshadow *crumbled of course* sommerset moss facial balm that doubles for the hands car key house keys 🔐 solo door key *OFF the key chain two pairs of earrings (hoops, and locks both silver) air pod *singular* in the case matches one cough drop vivienne wallet sunglasses (2 once I take the ones off my head) phone 💋
May 8, 2024

Top Recs from @earfftosesilia

been seeing lots of luv for this app and I'm apart of it. love saying weird shit all the time. this is my city and you are my people. idk how you say it though ngl I've been pronouncing it “pie-fy” like wifi 👀
Feb 14, 2025
recommendation image
Yea I know this app is built on likes and recs so I'm recommending mushroom hate. Vouch for them all you'd like but they are abysmal.Taste, texture, and visual appeal are all awful. I'd like to add that I usually try to revise my opinion on mushrooms once a year by trying them and all times they are just as bad. #neverdoubtyouself #hater Once my mom brought me a “burger” for lunch and failed to mention it was a mushroom burger. Without a second thought I bit into said burger and immediately knew what poison sat in my hands. I shudder at the memory.
Feb 11, 2025