my ex asked me to hang out after no contact, I said yes, we made small talk, he told me stuff he was doing and so did I, then we sat in the dark and he said “I just wanna be friends“ then he kissed me and we made out for 30 minutes… what the hell?? why do men do this

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is there any chance we could build a contraption to fling your ex into the Sun I’ll the gather materials but seriously, I’m sorry, that’s super fucked. sendin‘ kind vibes 🫂
4d ago
@SOFTSHELLED I am organizing something to punt him into the sun as we speak, i‘ll keep you guys posted! (thank you i’m spiraling lol)
4d ago
horrendous. thats so wack man
5d ago
@ILOVETRAILCAMSANDBIKES yeah I got to set this straight
4d ago
@PROXIMACENTAURI its so selfish :( u don’t don’t desserve to feel dis way
4d ago

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and wonder why the hell they asked you to hang out? Like I just hung out with someone and they looked at their phone half the time and then asked me the most minimal stuff ever and then after 45 mins said “I have to go!” Like, damn girl you beat me to it
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listening to music on a bus or on the train while alone and looking out the windows with some music in your ears is the closest thing to the poetic experience ever
Feb 21, 2025
this is so exciting, i have no clue how this thing works but I’m very eager to figure it out! tell me your favorite song please!
I need my body to be so tea that they feel the need to throw me overboard in like 1773
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