i would definitely want the weather to be a little warm with a nice breeze. i would wear honestly just something comfy like flare leggings or jeans and a cute off the shoulder sweater. it would probably be with my sister n my mom. i wanna go have a really yummy breakfast but from somewhere new with really good matcha. then i would wanna go window shopping and yap my mouth off to my mom n sister. probably also have a yummy lunch i would love to have some mediterranean food and a peach tea. would love to just drive around and blast music like i used to with them when i was younger. then i would probably like to be home pretty early around like 5 to 6 and take a really good shower, have some yummy chicken noodle soup and end the night off with some video games and phone time ^_^. oh yeah i also want my sheets to be fresh and clean and then id sleeeeeeep :p. whats your perfect day?