I've been rebuilding my physical music collection for a few months now. It started because one day, I wanted to listen to a Matson Jones song and found that Spotify had just removed it. These removals are already happening at record pace and will continue to happen. The only way that you can ensure that our big tech overlords won't take away access to the things you love is to physically own them.
I've been rebuilding my CD collection for a few months now. & yes, it means that I can't necessarily have what I want immediately. New releases can be expensive. Shipping is annoying. But every time I pass by a thrift store, you can bet I go in and see what CDs they have. They're usually pretty cheap–like $1. If I go to a concert, I'll buy whatever CDs I want there.
You can also pick up a portable CD-rom, and copy those bad boys onto your computer, send them to your phone, back them up, do whatever. I got the one in the link for $30 at B&H.