You know that window of a few minutes right when you wake up in the morning where your thoughts haven’t all loaded yet?
These days I enjoy silence as a more affecting thing than a lack of stimulus. Like it’s not the absence of noise, it’s the presence of quiet. And it feels nice on your ears if you tune in.
a sacred moment for yourself and reveling in the simple fact that you are breathing and alive. recognizing your humanity without the relation to it in comparison to other people. a very reverent time seldom felt.
The world can be such a quiet place sometimes (with the exception of ambient noises and stuff). Stop the music, put your headphones away, quiet the internal monologue, and pay attention. It’s so quiet out there.
Let the world be silent. <3
Been trying to do stints, timed spurts, of total silence throughout my work days. It’s a constant back and forth, music or silence. But I tend to feel calmer, better about myself somehow, after I manage to be silent awhile.
I've been growing into this recently.
Learning to be okay with no inputs and no outputs. Eliminate distractions. Step away from the stress. Just for a few minutes at a time several intentional times throughout the day.
Now I'm finding it bleeds into the regular parts of my day — waiting in life for something, walking into a crowded room, even a lull in conversation — the inner silence surfaces for just a moment.
I'm definitely a beginner in this space.
I don’t think bananas should count as a fruit. There’s no juice? And I’m not sure I would describe them as sweet? But it’s also def not a vegetable. So idk