I think the idea of hating on trendy things for the sake of wanting to be seen as different is very corny. I understand that not developing your own sense of style and copying whatever you see on tiktok or ig without adding your personal touch is an indicator of the lack of creativity, but that (imo) doesn't apply to people that genuinely like the item/style...If you for example like sambas or the leopard print baggy jeans and can get multiple uses out of them then that's great! you're not a microtrend final boss if you wear these items...
2d ago

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People are absolutely riding out every single micro trend. From sambas (Don’t get me wrong I did own a pair) to those brazil polos, ppl are just wearing what they see will get them validation for being “on trend”. People post “what bags are we wearing this year“ or “are brandy Gina tops ugly I don’t want to throw mine away”, like just wear what you like!!! Also its not really about if the clothing item is trending or not, it’s more if you’re genuinely into it. I think a plus to TikTok being banned is that it could force people to find out their personal style, so yay !
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As a contrarian with a disgust for the tastes of the masses though I often avoid wearing things once they become trendy until they cool off again—I do not wish to be associated with it or look like an impressionable person, and I certainly don’t want to fit in.
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1. making choices solely based on what’s “flattering.” I think ppl are far too attached to the idea that a piece has to “look good on you” in order to wear it. if you want to wear something because it’s comfortable or the piece looks cool or whatever the reason, you should wear it free of any mental burden. 2. heavily curating one style/core/aesthetic/microtrend. say you’ve been living large in the clean girl aesthetic for years and one day you find a dark academia piece you really like and so you spend an exorbitant amount of money on replacing your clean girl wardrobe with a dark academia one. girl, the environment. can we not all agree that we’re all likely mashups of different things with diverse taste or is that just me??
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I am so happy that people nowadays are realizing the value of being authentically themselves away from following trends. I love seeing the physically manifestation of self through people's whimsical outfits, the way they decorate their rooms, their music playlists and etc. I think being you attracts great things, opportunities, and people that are meant to make your life better!
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