A couple of months ago I fell into the rabbit hole of productivity. I was listening to motivating podcasts and was actually getting more productive up to a certain point where I started getting burnt out and was experiencing a horrible surge of IBD symptoms.
Every time I gave myself some form of rest I'd feel guilty and be invaded by the voices of boss ladies telling me to get out of bed and do something. Though I'd end up getting up everytime, I was forcing myself to do work I didn't want to do and a result, I became a more irritated and tired person. Unbeknownst to me, I was becoming bed-ridden due to my autoimmune disease and was forcing myself to work through it.
Outcome: My body crashed on me as soon as I finished the term and I didn't get the result I wanted (I got a good GPA overall, but my CGPA is still at a C+ with no chance of raising it again)
This term started and I only have 1 subject and my thesis left and I decided to give my body the chance to rest and detach myself from outcomes since nothing I can do will raise my CGPA to a B.
Outcome: I ended up highly fatigued and can barely get up and do anything. Don't get me wrong, I am doing well in that class I'm in and I got a good chunk of my thesis done, but nonetheless I was exhausted.
I was bedrotting for weeks under the guise of letting go of control and letting the world take me where it wants me to take. At the end I became empty with no energy to do things I actually want to do.
This got me wondering: To what extent should we be productive and when do we give ourselves rest? How do we become productive without burning our bodies out? How do we give ourselves rest without slipping into bed-rotting? How do we get up and become productive after weeks of slump without forcing our bodies to do things it doesn't want? How do we convince a productivity junkie that they need rest and actually enjoy the rest?
How does one get out of this cycle?