So help me Gosh if you ever really take one of my recs to heart maybe let this be the one. F*&K ART LITERATURE AND MUSIC. AND PLACES. In my entire career at PI, I've rarely recommended products, not even because I think all products are inherently bad, although maybe I kind of do, or maybe I just try to be frugal, or maybe I just don't have a dresser with drawers so if I have something it's lowkey always on display, which is partially why I recommended Aesop perfume (good bottle), WHATEVER I GUESS I FEEL IT IS RARE THAT I AM MOVED ENOUGH TO RECOMMEND YOU ALL GO AND BUY SOMETHING. But I'm about to shill the eff out of this one. Maybe you've seen the ads, but the Bisou Balm from Violette_FR is actually so legit. Only lipstick I will ever use until the day I die. It's my dream lipstick, somehow matte but also hydrating like it never settles in the cracks of your lips you always look French new wave film grain/ perfect pout/ unbothered/ never caught lacking/ "who, me?'/ I just kissed someone WITH TONGUE and it was SUPER F%$KING HOT AND AWESOME/ I have the shade Betise (I am far too lazy to add the accent) but it was gifted to me by my pal Isa Locsin. On me (super pale cool toned) it is the perfect natural lip, shows up cool on me, my make up routine is literally just concealer powder blush Bisou Balm now. And I have never felt more polished and finished. I feel girl on the go... well yes I just kissed someone... and yes my hair is perfectly tousled I don't even bother it just falls like that haha...
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5d ago

Comments (6)

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5d ago
Wow this is beautiful i'm inspired to try. Also I dont like recommending products, unless I truly truly believe in them and use they make my life more beautiful
5d ago
4d ago
@VIVI omg my comment sounded like i had stroke writing it lolllll
4d ago
I trust this rec with my life… will be checking her out……
5d ago
@CELINE *smiles*
5d ago

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I was an early adapter to this, just saying. I have my lips tattooed in the color Pillow Talk by Charlotte Tillbury (great investment tbh) so when I want to have that “beautiful 60s Mediterranean female lead in a movie” look, I reach for the Bisou Balm in Amor Fou. They also make a great liquid eyeshadow. 
Dec 18, 2024
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I wear this every day and it is my cherry flavoured comfort blanket I’m not sure if it really tints my lips that much, or if that’s just placebo, but either way it makes me feel cute and doesn’t over stimulate me like lipstick does I would like to have one in every pocket of every coat and every bag ! and I can because it’s so cheap ! Perfect product
Oct 7, 2024
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this is the best lip balm everrrr and FINALLY comes in a squeeze tube!! so good i found 2 in my bag :-) also tints your lips the littlest bit pink and is so cute on everyone v natural
Nov 15, 2024

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