its odd, its so fun and colorful i want more people on here im also just not sure what to post yet
3d ago

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it gives early tumblr vibes i love how it doesn’t feel overwhelming this app brings me joy
2d ago
It feels like the early internet which is something cool to experience in an era where everything is simplified and modernized. The app def needs work tho, even if it is cool.
3d ago

Related Recs

Saw this on an insta ad. The app is a lil buggy and slow but I'm sure it will improve. The big thing going for this platform is obv the sincerity & simplicity, no advertising or clout chasing weirdos here (yet?), no people trying to steal your attention by gaming an algorithm Sometimes I see pics of people tryna look hot on insta with dumb captions underneath... this person I know went on vacation, pic of beach, move on. I might heart the post cause they're my friend and I'm socially obligated, but I don't actually like it and would really rather not feed their ego cause I know they don't deserve it This place, for now, is maybe more real and interesting. Just people writing weird shit from off the dome, maybe for themselves, maybe in hopes others will see. Keep in mind I came to this conclusion after scrolling some posts for no more than 2 mins When bereal started it was kinda casual and simple in its approach like this, but was unfortunately too interested in growing and added a bunch of unnecessary features just to become like all the apps before it. But this place is still in its infancy and it's already all that it needs to be. I just don't know if it will stay because although people say they like sincerity, they (including me) will still find ways to optimize and control their public image over time, will show less and less of their real character Thank you for creating this app, excited to see the social experiement unfold. Idk if I'll be posting on here that much. Cute retro UI. I like
Jan 30, 2025
I think coming on here every few days is a nice momentum bc who really needs to be on an app everyday?? I like the old Myspace vibes and the recs and the nice conversations I've gotten so far It makes me feel like I'm using a site from a bygone era and that's the appeal that I get from it :) I usually just like to scroll my feed and post every couple of days
Apr 26, 2024

Top Recs from @joolaid

honestly whenever people have like, actual good music tastes that i enjoy, i will listen to every reccomendation they give me
3d ago
super cool indie rock band, givem a try
3d ago
i know its incredibly basic but its so incredibly me
3d ago