i moved ten times by the time i was 10 i was almost kidnapped at a weird vegan cult farm my family used to have a driver that (formerly) worked for the kgb
Mar 11, 2025

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gonna say ten moves is the lie
Mar 11, 2025
@LUCIUS yup, i only moved 8 times before i was 10
6d ago
6d ago
@LUCIUS yes I was praying it was that one. It would have been so cruel to not let us into the other stories!
4d ago

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such a weird one but the distinct memory from the experience was the anti-war conversation between my dad and his friend (two ex marines) that happened in the car after. they remarked on their own exploitation as two young men trying to escape poverty, the cycle of war, and colonization. first time i remember feeling radicalized
May 1, 2024
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When I was around 6, my trad jewish mother started dating a czechoslovakian lion tamer/magician/acrobat. Me and my siblings traveled around the world with the entire production crew, and raised baby cubs back home in Pennsylvania. Peta turn away I was a kid idk - they were also rescued from poaching grounds The show had long-term residencies in shanghai, rio de janeiro, atlantic city, vegas, nashville, kuala lumpur, and many more places. I was a dancer in it for fun at 11, even though the other dancers were full on show girls aha. My mom and the magician had a baby around this time too, so my little brother fully has circus blood lolll. Not even my most coveted family lore mwahah but it’s pretty silly. Little me and one of the tigers Dora pictured
Feb 19, 2024
I have this very vivid memory of some time, around third grade or so, my family stopped on a roadtrip to check out a garage sale type thing in Virginia or West Virginia. I remember a kid about my age, he lived in the house we stopped at and I remember it feeling sort of like the edge of the world because it was on a hill, high above a valley. The grass was so tall and the ground, sort of maze-like, shown through the grass on paths of warm, dusty brown. The kid with a buzzed head, donning a white wife-beater (wife-lover, rather), I followed through the paths, exploring what felt like a big place. I wonder about them sometimes.

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i love a person with teeth like a half transformed werewolf
Jul 9, 2024
i’m needing to remind myself that being odd and dressing uniquely is not a bad thing. going back to university and not knowing anyone in my classes while also showing up in a full tweed suit or a tetris cardigan or a long brocade jacket is okay. don’t let the uniqueness leave you just because people give you strange looks. be more like the girl that dresses in head to toe lolita coords every day. or the guy that came to class dressed as soulja boy for no particular reason. get weird with it!!
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