Ahhh shit. Ahhhh shiiiiittt see the being naïve was all good when it was just sort of general and I didn’t have anything specific in mind, just blind faith, posting my little mouse in the suit. All full of joy and shit. But you know what I’m posting my misery too in case anyone is praying on my downfall out there that’s how much I believe in karma and something larger than myself now, if I’m in the pits someone should get joy out of it. Ahhh shiiit whatever this cosmic power running things is, I hope she likes weird art bc that’s my offerings. What if she’s into basquiat rip offs and drama less photorealism and I’ve been shit talking that too. Or globalist blobby corporate design. Ahhh shit man who gets certified to teach English abroad off of 1 Reddit post of research I blew a bag and have been doing grammar for 3 months for nothing ahhh shit

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LOL this is a relatable sentiment I feel you and I are kindred spirits
3d ago
@TATERHOLE you get me 🤞🤞🤞🤞 only a minor setback I shall march on taterhole
3d ago
@HHTTHHTTHHTTHT you’ve got this 💪 all we can do is soldier on
3d ago
3d ago
@FFH if you’re agreeing with me 🤝🤝🤞🤞 if you’re suggesting the website I sent out like 20 applications in the middle of the night im way ahead of ya
3d ago

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May 26, 2024
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Feb 25, 2025
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