I am thrilled
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esp that good ol maersk
5h ago
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i love going on the train.
Dec 26, 2024
i love freight
Nov 27, 2024
I grew up in eastern Pennsylvania where trains were a part of life. These were not passenger trains, only cargo trains operated by Conrail. As kids we would ride BMX bikes right next to the tracks on the old service roads along our way to dirt bike tracks in the woods . These would be deep rides into the surrounding forest areas that could span 10 mile bike rides; So far out the engineers would throw us water bottles to sustain us on the travels. So I guess subconsciously I was fascinated with cargo trains always thinking where is the final destination of this one? The sound of them made me sleep very well on those cold wintery nights in PA. I currently live near a train today and have reconnected with my interest going down to grab photos and see what type of engine or company is running.
May 30, 2023

Top Recs from @ariannalexandra

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Almost a year ago I was admitted to a psychiatric hospital for the second time. I was stuck in a cycle of emergency room visits, being referred to different services and attending crisis centres. I felt so hopeless but I decided that I would give recovery one last shot and I knew it would need to be 1000000%. My life has changed so much in the last year. Things still feel so hard sometimes but I’m managing. I dont feel so ashamed anymore and I’m making plans for the future again. I’m so grateful and happy I decided to get better. This feels a bit self serving but I’m proud of myself. Something happened yesterday that would have sent me over the edge, but I’m coping. It still hurts a lot but I’m not hurting myself. It’s been nice to reflect on it today.
I am a free woman That app tapped into my very worst insecurities i thought I needed it for ~~~*inspiration*~~~ But inspiration is EVERYWHERE and now I can actually see it because I’m not scrolling constantly :’)
Feb 13, 2025
Im basically reconsidering my entire career today I went to a vintage shop I like and had a chat with the owner about a job and she was keen!!!!!! we had a cigarette and a black coffee and dumpster dived It might not turn into anything but it felt like a nice affirmation of doing things for myself and actually figuring out what I like and care about Teenage me would be so proud she was too busy surviving to develop a sense of self :’)
Feb 14, 2025