lots of complicated relationships and conflict within, very beautiful series by the great Luca Guadagnino.’ fashion in this programme is so amazing , with an amazing score and features Dev Hynes of Blood Orange. Beautiful overall , wish you the best with this
recommendation image

Comments (3)

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amorous love from the score is omg one of my favourites ever i must listen to it rn!
1d ago
this is the series that introduced me to blood orange and i've watched it every year since it came out, top 5 of all time for me!!
1d ago
@MADDIEAMYH the rewatches go crazyyy
1d ago

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Gomorrah (TV series)It’s this Italian crime drama on HBO Max I’m really into at the moment – the dialogue is all in Italian too, so you’ll need subtitles!Some of my all-time favorite films are Scarface, Indiana Jones, and Lethal Weapon. Oh, I really love foreign/art house films! Though, the last movie I watched was The Notebook – saw it again a couple of months back and I was reminded of what a classic rom-com it is.
May 30, 2023
i love making lists on this app, here’s 1-3 from each platform! on Netflix: drama: queen‘s gambit (amazing soundtrack, wardrobe, plot)thriller/drama: breaking bad (worth the commitment, meets the hype)comedy: cunk on earth (dry humor, very funny) on disney: literally just andor - you do not have to be a star wars fan, watch the first 2 eps, amazing soundtrack (nicholas brittell!), & one of my fav shows i’ve watched in recent years am*zon prime: drama: fleabag!!! (u may cry)drama/romcom: modern love (all episodes are based on real love stories!!! )comedy: schitt’s creek (heartwarming) + if u ever do feel like getting into horror, the haunting of hill house/bly manor and hannibal series are all amazing!
Jun 3, 2024
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goated show and perhaps one of the most slept on shows of all time justin theroux? hot carrie coon? hot and now a white lotus star regina king? hot and guess what i didn’t even name all the hot people, that is just the cherry on top - it has some of the best episodes of television ever aired. - the soundtrack absolutely cooks - it will make you feel every emotion that exists - it will change your perspective on life and love and the things that matter to you - you’ll never know what is about to happen next, sorry! if you haven’t seen the leftovers there is a part of you soul that is missing… go now!
Feb 27, 2025

Top Recs from @claire-power

At my local shop , there is this one shopkeeper who works alot during the weekdays . We compliment and smile at eachother every so often whilst he scans my chocolate and energy drinks. I once went into the shop with a 50 euro note. i only bought food worth maybe 8euros , so i had alot of change. walking home that day i lost the money , it must have fell out of my pockets whilst i took my phone or keys out . I only realised when i got home and was running around my local area following my route trying to see if i could find the money . I went to the shop , queued up again and asked him if anyone handed in any money, he said no and offered to help me search , he pulled this massive unit out from under the cashier to see if the money had fallen below . It wasnt there :( . He walked me home to see if we could find it on the street. Anyways we didnt find it , i was so embarrassed but he now has this recurring bit where he gives me my change in a plastic baggy and makes me zip it into my trouser or coat pocket . I do not even know this mans name and i highly doubt he knows mine . Spread kindness with those in your locality , there is nothing better than catching up with your deli woman or favourite shopkeeper . I love knowing that those who know fairly much nothing about you can care for you , and that you care for them . Peace and love to all