In the course of 365, I . . . - Started dating my current girlfriend - Became a manager in training at a fast food restaurant - Lost my great grandfather - Started smoking cigarettes again - Became 18 - Left previously mentioned fast food restaurant - Moved out from home to live with my girlfriend - Tried to stop smoking, emphasis on tried - Realized I was going to become a dropout - Worked at a family owned barbecue place - Had multiple breakdowns over how I felt stuck, believing my life is over - Started working at a food truck as a line cook, rekindling my love for cooking - Left that food truck to work for a new restaurant - Helped BUILD AND MOVE IN FURNITURE FOR MONTHS - Waited, and waited, and waited for work - Started cooking again - Restaurant FINALLY(!) opened, so started work - Panic over my age and lack of experience - Realize everyone has to start somewhere, they weren't just born at 30 and were immediately a great cook - Got something on the menu and people like it - Got my first GOOD GOOD check, making me realize it's my last year being broke Of course this isn't everything, but to me it's everything worthwhile/worth mentioning. This was a picture from a couple days ago, my love goes to school for psychology and I walk around the campus playing Pokemon Go/reading/listening to music. A tree. A billion little things, doing one gigantic thing. Living.
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MOVEMENT way to keep pushing and not giving up
15h ago
@MATTSHAWSOME Always move !!! Move move move !!! If I will preach anything, can only give one piece of advice, or am an advocate for anything, it's to move. Anywhere! Down the sidewalk and barely let the low hanging branches brush you (if you're short like me), across the wet sands on the beach, or downtown to your local thai place! Everyone can move.
12h ago
@FALLING-LEAF inspired poetry!
6h ago

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First of all, smartphone cameras are amazing. I just scrolled back in my photos app and was able to put all my memories in proper order. Second of all, I was, and mostly remain, a massive square so 21 was rather tame for me. Exhibit A: the birthday. I was in L.A. for a semester of film studies. My roommates took me to this Mexican restaurant famous for its massive burritos (featured-on-a-tv-show size) and they told the servers it was my 21st and they brought me a double-shot of tequila which I shared with everyone at the table instead of shooting it. I hadn't had spirits before so I was being cautious. Going into 21 I thought I would be doing a lot of leading and teaching for some inane reason. But I ended up learning, listening, and having a lot of new experiences. In L.A., I wrote my first feature-length screenplay. I read a lot of screenplays—script coverage for Bold Films (producers of Drive mouse)—notably an early version of Arrival (2016). I was director of photography for a student short film. I went to my first concert and it happened to be my all time favorite band which is crazy because they're not well know in the States because they are based in Australia. During this time, I didn't feel like I belonged anywhere (common for a TCK). Like I inhabited the space between social groups but wasn't truly part of any. I remember expressing this to capyboppy on a phone call (I was still in L.A. and she was back at our college) and said that I didn't think anybody thought of or missed me. She said I was dumb and wrong. And she was right. Back at college, I directed my own short film and won big at our student film festival. I conned my way into a stage directing class in the theater department (I was in the journalism department and didn't have the perquisites). This, paired with an art class that was all about process and iteration and visual design, lead to big revelations about art for me. The terms and tools differ, but every medium has the same goal: communication. I won a PS Vita on twitter 🤷‍♂️ Finally, I got to visit Thailand in the summer and show my home to a bunch of friends. Then hang out with my family before the next semester started. And a precocious baby elephant ate my fitness tracker (pictured below). I had a lot of opportunities that year, and I'm thankful that I was open. And able to fully experience them. And I'm thankful I've only grown more open since then.
Jun 11, 2024
18 - fell in love, made new great friends, got my license, experienced a new environment where no one thought I was dumb for what felt like the first time ever, found independence from my shitty home life and replaced it with silly car dinners and kisses with the person I loved. I think 18 was when I started healing but didn’t know yet that I needed to. 22 - so many new things that were scary but so fun and so special. Travelled to Japan with the same love from 18 and had so much fun exploring somewhere new with them, quit a shitty fucking job and became a florist which I had wanted for so long and loved all of it, got a new job and found what I’m passionate about. Felt supported. 27 - right now and it’s pretty good so far. healed from the love thats not for me anymore and now we’re friends (sometimes we make out by mistake but it’s fine it’s just an accident every time). going on dates that show no potential but collecting stories and experiences. . feeling really good about who I am. only 3 months in honestly so this might be premature coz the next 9 could suck.
Firstly, I’m sorry you feel that way— that’s a legitimate anxiety, and it sucks, and it can feel a) all consuming, and b) like something you have to solve right away, before you run out of time. But you always have time to change things, and start from scratch. You also get to decide what successful looks like for you— and to decide it knowing that lots of life will be mundane. You will spend a lot of time waiting for the bus, and going on first dates that are also last dates, and interviewing for jobs you don’t want. You will also spend a lot of time eating your favorite foods, and going to free events in the park, and painting your walls your favorite color. For me, success looks like having quality outside-of-work time— I love my work, and am very lucky to feel that my work is meaningful to the world, but I will not burn out for work. This year, success meant leaving a job I loved, because it was exhausting my body and sitting heavy on my heart. I moved twice, my rent is too much, my car got stolen, I left my job— and I am having a really good year. I adopted a dog, and moved into a place big enough to host my friends and cook dinners, and I found a really good donut shop, and I read some, and I visited family, and I puttered around a lot, and that’s okay. Successful might look like meaningful work, or well compensated work, or it might not look like work at all— success might feel like caring less about your work so you can care about the things outside it. You have time— school can be truly whatever you want it to be, and this is a season of your life to try a lot of things you probably won’t do forever. Get a bad haircut, take a weird elective, go to as many free events as you can (once school ends everything is expensive), and remember that you might live until you’re 90, and at 90 success just means not breaking any bones.
Sep 26, 2024

Top Recs from @Falling-Leaf

Honestly I think it's because we do not blow our noses, which leads us into phlegm, which then leads us into needing to get rid of it. It's disgusting, I'll always run to a bathroom or do it in a napkin . . . BUT IN PUBLIC ?!?! WHERE IS THE CLASS !!!! THE DECENCY !!!! Men . . . Blegh . . .
Arguably my favorite will they/won't they of allll time.