In the course of 365, I . . .
- Started dating my current girlfriend
- Became a manager in training at a fast food restaurant
- Lost my great grandfather
- Started smoking cigarettes again
- Became 18
- Left previously mentioned fast food restaurant
- Moved out from home to live with my girlfriend
- Tried to stop smoking, emphasis on tried
- Realized I was going to become a dropout
- Worked at a family owned barbecue place
- Had multiple breakdowns over how I felt stuck, believing my life is over
- Started working at a food truck as a line cook, rekindling my love for cooking
- Left that food truck to work for a new restaurant
- Waited, and waited, and waited for work
- Started cooking again
- Restaurant FINALLY(!) opened, so started work
- Panic over my age and lack of experience
- Realize everyone has to start somewhere, they weren't just born at 30 and were immediately a great cook
- Got something on the menu and people like it
- Got my first GOOD GOOD check, making me realize it's my last year being broke
Of course this isn't everything, but to me it's everything worthwhile/worth mentioning.
This was a picture from a couple days ago, my love goes to school for psychology and I walk around the campus playing Pokemon Go/reading/listening to music.
A tree. A billion little things, doing one gigantic thing. Living.