i don’t remember where this picture came from but i wanna eat it so bad,… what do u guys think the flavor is..? i personally like to imagine it is mango, vanilla, and maybe watermelon?? or something sourr mlemmlem mlen mlem 🍉🍨🥭
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1d ago

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i would like it to be passionfruit coconut raspberry but i don’t think it is 💔
1d ago
@IZABELLAAHARRISS nawrrrrr that sounds so good.. we are being actively robbed of delicious ice cream combos as we SPEAK 🗣️ ‼️
21h ago
i kinda went on a rabbit hole to find out the actual flavour cause i got too curious which may ruin the fun of guessing 😭 BUT it is apparently if my research is correct a rainbow sherbet ice cream which sounds super fun and interesting and i would love to have it one day
1d ago
@TIMTAM u r an official nancy drew detective!!!! also idk why sherbet didn’t even cross my mind, but that makes way more sense.. i think i still prefer my flavor interpretation tho 😏😏 muhaha
1d ago
@URBFBEAR ahahaha loved her as a kid lol so tyy ! it was honestly just a few google searches but yess didn't cross my mind either and took me by suprise i feel like i don't really think of sherbet when ice cream comes up but yeahh maybe we should stick to yours and maybe you should try make it come to life 🤪👀
1d ago
@TIMTAM i think i will try to make it one day… ill keep everyone updated 🧐 i saw someone on here recommend frozen mango with vanilla ice cream so i think they r definitely on to something ☝️🤨
21h ago
@URBFBEAR yess definitely do !! omg that’s sounds so goood rn
19h ago

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Apr 18, 2024
i would eat all of them they look so yummy. ESPECIALLY THE LIME!!!!!! tell me that doesn't look like it would give you the best marg ever
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first things first: u never have to forgive someone if u don’t want to. sometimes there is no reason to not move on from a situation, but that’s still your right. you should take all the time u need to make peace with urself and what happened. my dad once told me that the worst thing you can do to urself is to wish someone else ill will. giving ur energy and thoughts to a situation or person in a way that doesn’t help you process what happened, but only serves to make u upset, is a disservice to urself and ur time. u deserve to be happy and u deserve peace. look of it as a way of letting go of the negative thoughts and emotions that that situation causes u. forgiving someone doesn’t necessarily mean ur justifying what they did, but instead respecting ur right to be happy. u can forgive someone and still not continue that relationship with them. seeing forgiveness as a way to allow urself to grow past a situation and not define urself by it, instead of as a mandatory ritual after someone has wronged you, has helped me to move past people and situations that have hurt me and kept me from growing.
Mar 8, 2025