I’ve been single for a year and a half now and have recently had a massive breakthrough with it all. I spent a while deeply brainwashed by the horrific dating advice on Tik Tok which stipulates things like “if the first date isn’t a dinner date then he basically views you as a saloon whore” or “unless you drop into your soft feminine energy, you deserve an entire life alone, you toothless witch.” I don’t want to do either of those things. What the fuck is soft feminine energy? I want to focus on work and make videos that make people laugh and write and spend time with friends and eat and drink wine (see above) without being haunted by the viral refrain “If he wanted to, he would.” Who cares? I like meeting guys out and about! Maybe grabbing drinks. Having crushes. Flirting. Enjoying them. But I will never again sit through a Tik Tok titled “subtle ways to make him addicted to you” or “how to become a high value woman who is a prize to be won.” ENOUGH.
Sep 1, 2023

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