I love making coffee in my moka pot and if I travel for work, I can bring it with me and try beans from new places. The sound of the espresso bubbling inside is weirdly centering. Morning routines work! I make a pretty decent flat white. If I'm feeling absolutely insane? affogato for dessert. World's my oyster.
Jun 19, 2023

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Feb 7, 2024

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Great option for your morning coffee. It only makes one mug or two espresso but its strong n tastes good. I like to use bustello with mine but am gonna try some portuguese coffee with it soon. A little cinnamon n frothed milk. Mmm
Mar 1, 2024
I have been using Lavazza “Perfetto Roast” grounds in a moka pot for almost a decade now. I take a bag of coffee and the pot with me wherever I travel. It is better than any other coffee I have ever had. I never get coffee out. Which is a cost saver but also I get 6 bags every 2 months on an Amazon subscription that is also discounted. I think just generally that by the age of 30 everyone needs their coffee situation figured out.
Jan 20, 2024
recommendation image
I think the key to a good moka pot coffee is minimizing time on the stove element: - Preheat the stove burner - Boil water before putting it in the pot - Extract with the lid open so you can pull the pot immediately when it’s done - If you wanna be a freak about it you can weigh your beans and water (I never bother) But if the issue is you are unhappy with your espresso quality, I think it might be worth it to dial in your grind (I like a ~22s extraction but this is all preference). The way I think about espresso is that weight of beans/volume of water/extraction time remain consistent while grind can vary to hit those parameters. This is what was working for me on one of those big Faema beasts tho so ymmv. HOWEVER I personally cannot be bothered with most of this unless I am getting paid. I french press or steep my shit most days and it’s perfectly nice
Aug 23, 2024

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