There’s nothing more frightening than playing a rock show to literally ONE HUNDRED fans when all of a sudden a string pops - and you have to replace it and tune it- tuning a guitar on stage is like trying to bust a nut on camera - I.e. NOT SEXY. I like guitar tuner apps cause this way it looks like I’m just on stage checking my Instagram when REALLY I’m tuning my guitar- THAT WAY- people are lured into THINKING your just really a narcissist with ADHD but then you hit them with the fact that you were secretly paying attention to their needs the whole time- it’s a lovely sentiment
Jul 19, 2022

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I didn’t start smoking until I was 34- I was on tour in Europe with my band and like, ran out of weed and started chain smoking Marlboros - it was exciting . I figured starting to smoke that late in life was ultimately a win because I needed to put the breaks on this whole life thing in the first- I think 78 is probs the most reasonable age to die at- other wise yr just gonna be stuck in a nursing home with a bunch of squares who never made life threateningly poor decisions and that doesn’t sound fun AT ALL.
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I punch holes in them and use them as cock rings - does anyone else do that?
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