I think we really WAY to heavily of therapy culture to soothe our emotional ow-ies and I just wish to god more you would admit that you actually LIKE feeling bad- its all you’ve ever known (or maybe I should Just speak for myself?) EITHER WAY- you therapist is SO SICK of you bitching - she probably makes fun of you to her friends while she’s drunk! And why shouldn’t she? You haven’t changed and you don’t want to- MAYBE instead of torturing your therapist you should just get a tarot reader- HEAR ME OUT- in a therapy session all you hear is the echo chamber of your bad decisions and poorly chosen company- in a tarot reading - you can bitch about all your problems and let a deck of cards decide howTo deal with them- like in scenario 2# you leave with at least a more discernible plan of action and remember the metaphor of tarot - “life comes at you as randomly as a deck of cards
Jul 19, 2022

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