I didn’t start smoking until I was 34- I was on tour in Europe with my band and like, ran out of weed and started chain smoking Marlboros - it was exciting . I figured starting to smoke that late in life was ultimately a win because I needed to put the breaks on this whole life thing in the first- I think 78 is probs the most reasonable age to die at- other wise yr just gonna be stuck in a nursing home with a bunch of squares who never made life threateningly poor decisions and that doesn’t sound fun AT ALL.
Jul 19, 2022

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life is to long to worry about how smoking kills you a little quicker, do you really want to live longer anyway? the stress relief is worth losing a few years, cause who wants to live into their 70s or more? personally im not trying to shit in a diaper again
Apr 22, 2024
started buying my own cigs at the start of last year to get through a rough patch. it was me and my marlboro golds against the world back then. was too broke to afford to buy them super regularly so i'd have to ration over weeks. and luckily (not really) my friends also started smoking around the same time so i could bum off them if need be. i've been quitting since i properly started and i haven't bought a pack in a while now. moved onto strictly social smoking but i go out often enough it makes this a tad redundant. i don't desperately fiend for it as much, i could hardly finish the last one i had but god does a drunk cig feel good af. also as someone who does biomed, your reminder and mine that smoking is really bad for you btw!!! we really need to invent smoking that isn't a health hazard.
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I'll admit not the best use of my free will. Sometimes I think we just do things as adults because no one is around to really scold us anymore. My ex step mom told not to smoke when I was like four... if only she saw me lmao. I had like 16 left in this pack and I just threw em away. After a while my knees would buckle and I'd feel so fatiqued after smoking. And on top of that I was bombarded with non smoking ads and boy oh boy... did that do the trick. And yeah, I did put this in my journal because why not remeber a downward spiral in my life...? If you smoke this is not an ad that you should quit, do whatever you want.
Mar 3, 2025

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I think we really WAY to heavily of therapy culture to soothe our emotional ow-ies and I just wish to god more you would admit that you actually LIKE feeling bad- its all you’ve ever known (or maybe I should Just speak for myself?) EITHER WAY- you therapist is SO SICK of you bitching - she probably makes fun of you to her friends while she’s drunk! And why shouldn’t she? You haven’t changed and you don’t want to- MAYBE instead of torturing your therapist you should just get a tarot reader- HEAR ME OUT- in a therapy session all you hear is the echo chamber of your bad decisions and poorly chosen company- in a tarot reading - you can bitch about all your problems and let a deck of cards decide howTo deal with them- like in scenario 2# you leave with at least a more discernible plan of action and remember the metaphor of tarot - “life comes at you as randomly as a deck of cards
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I punch holes in them and use them as cock rings - does anyone else do that?
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