Here’s something I thought I had sworn off, I mean, I hadn’t touched the stuff in years, not on the physical page at least. As a *painter* (looks down at paint-splattered jeans, bites lip, giggles) I use my hands for touching paintbrushes, resulting in a high improbability of  actual page-turning, thus making me the single highest volume consumer of podcasts and audiobooks in the known universe. I’ve always found it hard to find the books I want to read on audiobook, and after years of attempting to copy and paste entire PDFs into various text-to-speech apps (yes, listening to Bataille’s Story of The Eye in a monotonous Australian robo voice does have its appeal), I’ve recently turned to the technology of Words On Paper. Hey, I love the stuff! I usually find myself doing word-listening to books about history or theory but suddenly I’m finding fiction to be riveting.  I know, I know, its hard to imagine, but you gotta believe me mister, I really do enjoy this activity! I’m just concluding my Nabokov era (Pale Fire blew m’mind) and am knee-deep in some really big thick girthy book by Proust or whatever.— sponsored by generic brand adderall
Jun 16, 2022

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the solution that works out the most for me is reading WHILE listening to something my brain loves to overthink and catastrophise so when i have free time (like in the evenings or when im on the bus/subway) i LOVE to think of worst case scenarios of everything and gaslight myself into thinking that all these horrible scenarios are reality. i tried many things to stop the negative thoughts from coming — history podcasts, language podcasts, life advice podcasts, listening to new indie albums —but it didn't feel right. personally i probably don't like podcasts because i've always been a reading/writing person i.e. i absorb information the best when it's presented in textual form then one day i saw a book on my shelf — NW by zadie smith. it was a book that i read for a class in university, but never finished it because i found it hard to follow. i thought "maybe i should finish this book" and started to read it again. but it was STILL hard to follow and my negative thoughts kept sneaking their way in. so i had the idea of listening to its audiobook version so that it could help me follow along with the book. and it WORKED — the voice of the audiobook not only helped me follow the book but also kept all thoughts from sneaking into my mind i managed to read many books this way — with a library card most of the audiobooks i needed were available — and in recent months, as i've been feeling better, i've switched to classical music. honestly there's only two classical pieces that i listen to, because i like them THAT much. but reading while listening has honestly kept me so sane in 2024, and even though i never plan what books to read (i just have a to-read list that's always been there), i happen to stumble upon so many beautiful stories might post my reading list next — it's mostly modern japanese literature now, and every book has been a gem 📷 pictured is some of the books i downloaded onto my kindle after deciding that i would embark upon this reading-healing journey, it gave me so much excitement to start (and as of now i've read 4 of the books displayed here)
Jan 2, 2025
I know I’m late. This app is not new. But listening to audiobooks (for free) (without a monthly hour limit) is literally rewiring my brain. not recommending a book— read/listen to whatever it doesn’t matter to me. but listening to words that someone intentionally wrote, that are not being spewed without forethought on a podcast, it just feels more important. I love my pods, but my brain loves Libby. I’ve never been a book girlie and I’ve always secretly hated them for having a real attention span. I found a way to cheat myself into being one of Them. hehe
Aug 23, 2024
Have pridefully avoided these forever...scoffed at the lazy scum who choose to listen to a book rather than read one. However....my tune has changed...my crow has been eaten....my table has turned.... I just can't get enough of it now. It doesn't replace reading an actual book, but it definitely beats most podcasts.
Feb 27, 2024

Top Recs from @chloe-wise

I think this may be a suitable place to insert my focaccia recipe, seeing as I do get asked about it often*. Sourdough focaccia is so easy and great. I do 20% active levain, 75-80% hydration, 2% salt, which amounts to 200g levain, 750g water, 20g salt and 1000 g flour. I literally use AP flour, nothing fancy, but consider this my announcement that I would happily accept some cool fancy fricked up local flour if anyone wants to provide that to me. Anyway I stretch that stuff, I dimple it up, and boom, gorge focach. Disclaimer: one would be wise to wash ones hands when oscillating between oil painting and hand-kneading bread, but following my own advice is not my strong suit. *well, I offer it up verbally at the slightest mention of any carbohydrate, but let’s just say everyone’s always asking me, so this can feel as though I’m giving back to the bread community.
Jun 16, 2022
I don’t know why this isn’t a more popular beverage, but a cold brew alcoholic splash into a nice glass of tonic will swiftly usurp the place in your mouth’s heart that’s been hitherto reserved for espresso martinis and/or Diet Coke.
Jun 16, 2022
I recently made the very (self-proclaimed) avant garde decision of leaving lower Manhattan and moving to midtown (k-town to be exact), and, while I know this may be shocking, I love it. The Empire State Building, while I have never technically visited nor entered her, is very fun to proclaim one’s residential proximity to. Walking outside, I am not at risk of running into anyone, and not because I live in a residential strollers-and-young-parents way, but because like, truly no one goes there without a work or errand related reason. All the loud, absurd, hectic New York you know, without the downtown overlappy social geography you (pretend to) hate.
Jun 16, 2022