I actually think this works, it can take any kind of form (I guess it's like, also what some would call "praying" lol) but the way I do it is that I just think about the thing I want a lot. Before bed I concentrate on the goal, think about it, dream about it, etc. It doesn't matter if it's like a job I want, or a goal or a literal material object. Sometimes I talk about it with others, write about it, tweet about it, etc. idk every time iā€™ve seriously tried to manifest something it has worked like magic, even if it's not what I imagined it would be (usually the case). My friendā€™s Ezra and Connor also told me about Sigilā€™s but thatā€™s a little more R rated so if youā€™re curious just google that and figure it out yourself. In the meantime tho - positive reinforcement and thoughts with direct objectives are IN for 2022. I want everyone getting what they Want and what they Deserve.
Nov 16, 2021

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