I actually think this works, it can take any kind of form (I guess it's like, also what some would call "praying" lol) but the way I do it is that I just think about the thing I want a lot. Before bed I concentrate on the goal, think about it, dream about it, etc. It doesn't matter if it's like a job I want, or a goal or a literal material object. Sometimes I talk about it with others, write about it, tweet about it, etc. idk every time i’ve seriously tried to manifest something it has worked like magic, even if it's not what I imagined it would be (usually the case). My friend’s Ezra and Connor also told me about Sigil’s but that’s a little more R rated so if you’re curious just google that and figure it out yourself. In the meantime tho - positive reinforcement and thoughts with direct objectives are IN for 2022. I want everyone getting what they Want and what they Deserve.