A general rule of life is that whatever is regarded as gaudy, and douchey is probably really fun and awesome. (Ex: fast loud cars, midtown Manhattan clubs, extremely expensive cocktails.)The Hamptons is a short 2 hour drive, or ride on the Hampton Jitney from the city. Get some friends together, rent an Airbnb, and make the trip.So why don’t my contemporaries make the trip? Mostly to keep up appearances amongst their lib friend groups that no, they don’t enjoy sitting on the beach and sipping wine, they prefer sitting adjacent to the currently jerking off homeless guy in quote-on-quote Dimes Square. And no, they don’t enjoy linens and kitten heels, and no they don’t like oysters, and no they don’t enjoy bonfires, used book stores, sex on the beach, pretending to be rich, renting convertibles, overpriced cocktails, and drunkenly stumbling through cobblestone streets.NO!? You don’t like that stuff? Go get lobotomized because you’re obviously a violent threat to society.But if you do—please make the trip out to the Hamptons during the dog days of summer. DO IT. Let your annoying friends rot in the pisshole that is dimes square. Go have fun.