My favorite lingerie brand turned into my favorite brand period at this point. I wear their clothes/lingerie for my shows, to go out for lunches with my girlfriends, to shoot for my press photos. I am a loyal customer, I am on their website 4 times per week, I even made a song inspired by how this brand made me feel. I imagined myself being a dom call girl who rides a motorcycle to my appointments at Chateau Marmont, CHIC.
Agent Provocateur, Le Mystere, Stella McCartney, and Gossard. Used to have Wacoal and Natori bras which i love. Some brands i have saved that look good but I have not tried are Chantelle, Simone Perele, Curvy Kate, Freya, Panache, and Adore Me
It’s free and my gays are the best. The world needs to give LGBTQs like me proper money and opportunity. They need to recognize white boys club’s scheme, replace them with me, and blow me up cuz I am actually the best.
It’s really off brand for me to date a white guy. I spent my entire life and used my songs to advocate for women who got traumatized by misogynist hetero white male.bUT hey? Is god tryna teach me something by letting me experience something new? He/They is white, indeed, and he/they operates in a parallel universe since we are long distance. I do enjoy this experience by far cuz he/they loves me. I am too much of a New York trained cynic to be engaged in something that feels so surreal. But yo, is this love? Am I like, starting to find love? It got me thinking.(Editor: Alice is no longer dating this white boy at the time of posting)