I would recommend my raw milk co-op but it’s illegal so I’ll keep it off the internet. This Lindy food is nourishing and delicious. My delivery comes every Wednesday. Raw butter on sourdough, kefir, and the cream is great with coffee. My delivery guy Ahmed is one of my oldest friends in New York and is a universally beloved figure to those who know him.
Oct 11, 2023

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The Amish outdid themselves with this one. Also here’s the link to my 🔌. You put in your zip code and find out where you can get the good stuff near you. The future is now!!
Jan 20, 2024
At this point 70% of my personality is raw milk - procuring it, drinking it, taking photos of it with pithy little captions like “night cap!”,  talking about it to other people against their will, like on dates or to like trapped baristas at Starbucks. As someone of formerly lactose intolerant experience, I am not exaggerating when I say raw milk has VITALLY improved my existence. Besides the fact that it has something like 70% more available vitamins in it than pasteurized milk (I keep an infographic of this on my phone because I’m a girl and can’t be expected to remember numbers and science) it has all its natural enzymes for digestion which means not only can I party on as much raw milk and cheese as I want, the enzymes in those also digest regular bootleg ass milk, cheese, ice cream etc. I love you so much raw milk!!!
Oct 20, 2023
recommendation image
Listen, guys, I’m with you—I’m appalled by the mass-scale animal cruelty of factory-farmed dairy, not to mention the poor nutritional quality and foul taste of its resultant product. That said, I don’t have a dog in the raw milk fight; while I can’t muster outrage over it, I also can’t bring myself to care—much like many political issues I’m socially obligated to have a black-and-white opinion on. I find myself torn between my opposition to authoritarian nanny-state control and my inherent distrust of the Amish, the common purveyors of black-market raw milk (it’s fine, they can’t read this unless they’re on Rumspringa—I guess, in which case: welcome, Jebediah). Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know that there’s a middle path between factory-farmed slop and forbidden milk straight from the cow’s teat: organic, grass-fed, regeneratively farmed A2 beta-casein milk from heritage cows. A2 beta-casein is easier to digest because it’s the primary protein in human breast milk; cow’s milk originally contained only A2 beta-casein until a sinister genetic mutation introduced A1 beta-casein, now dominant in nearly all commercially available milk. A1 beta-casein is much harder to digest because it doesn’t break down as easily in the body. I love Alexandre Family Farms and Origin; they have great animal welfare standards and their products taste amazing. You can even get A2 beta-casein ice cream from Alec’s brand! See—you can make a cool enlightened alternative choice without being an annoying contrarian about it.
Feb 23, 2025

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Too obvious? That’s ok because Fernet is a godly drink. I’ve been drinking it since about eight years ago when my sister and I lived on the same block in bedStuy and we’d split most of a bottle on Sunday nights. She worked in the service industry then, where it was popular. It’s very hard to get a hangover from Fernet, which is highly herbal, unless you go absolutely ham. It’s also a good hangover cure in coffee. Pairs well with living your life.
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I recently moved into a small studio uptown that has a working fireplace. There’s nothing like a DURAFLAME after a long day of work. You just light the paper coating on fire and Boom, you’ve got yourself a semi real fire.
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Not technically for sale. And technically my family’s dog. However, Leo is a friend to all mankind. When I go home to Pennsylvania, he whips around the backyard to celebrate my return. I recommend everyone’s parents get a celebration Morkie (Maltese Yorkie.)
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