Obviously binaries aren’t perfect; they are cool people who are old, and cool people who are younger. They are older cornballs and younger cornballs. But, in my experience, the majority of people in my life who are the coolest are older people. Everyone in this generation is so lame, and always focused on the dumbest things: like who did what to whom, who we can’t like anymore because they did something they deemed as bad, Twitter, and fake community. Shed that. Always have big steppers around you: men who take care of themselves, men who have been through battles in life, men who understand sacrifice but also understand individualism. (Women too, obviously). Learn from those people. Cultivate those relationships. I feel richer whenever I hang out with a cool ass older person who knows what the fuck they are talking about. And they recognize that I am a cool young person trying to do his thing. They will take care of you. As someone who likes people, I can lose sight of who is actually cool and wants you to succeed, and who wants you to be low like them. But, when you hang with cool older people, that is never a factor. Cool people are trying to make a way for themselves without wishing and hoping. They’re just getting after it and taking advantage of the opportunities they have.
Oct 16, 2023

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recommendation image
It's a perfect movie. It's almost too perfect. The fashion, the look on Cate's face when Theresa (Rooney Mara) is walking to her at the end, the line reading of "ask me things, please"; the fact that men are the joke throughout the movie. It makes me wonder about representation and the limits of it because of how womanly and queer this movie is, despite the fact that it never feels like a movie made for women. It's just a great movie.
Feb 13, 2025