​Red Bull is amazing. The last time i went dancing i drank a dozen of them.  Each one was flawless. I wish I had invented Red Bull. Original is great, but I usually go with Diet.
Dec 22, 2022

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the sugar free one is the best in my opinion it kind of tastes like smarties
May 17, 2024
This shit is pure trash, but I LOVE it! Tropical flavored Yellow redbull is the only drug I do. I don’t do coke, speed, adderall, or ketamine; but when I’m on a writing deadline or need to get a lot done, I’ve been known to drink two or three of these and lose my mind in the BEST way. Everything on my to do list gets done. My apartment is never as clean as when I’ve had several yellow red bulls. Recently I heard Wayne Coyne had a terrible addiction to red bull and had to ween off of it by switching to cocaine. That may be a complete lie. And I don’t think it will come to that with me, but we’ll get there when we get there and thankfully I have such wonderful friends, I’m sure they’ll throw me a very chic intervention.
Mar 31, 2023
they are the only actually nice energy drink. meal deal winners.
Jan 22, 2024

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​Patato Latkes are iconic. A Hanukkah delicacy. Theyre really hard to make and can often be a disaster, but I recommend them passionately. My mom makes them really well. Eat them with sour cream and applesauce. HOT!
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