​Do you know how HARD I worked for all those Limewire downloads??? Some songs literally took YEARS to download. Some of my prized possessions.
Dec 22, 2022

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call me old fashioned but I love downloading music to my hard drive
Jan 18, 2024
i have a huge collection of digital music still on my hard drive from when i was a heavy pirate bay user in the 2000s/2010s + copied my now lost cd collection. but my computer is too old to be compatible w my iphone so i had to switch to spotify. as soon as i can use my library again my plan is to put the money i would use for spotify in a lil jar and use that to buy cds instead. also, i used to always carry a usb stick on my keychain and whenever friends were playing cool music i would ask if i could copy it. borrow ur friends cds! buy random cds at flea markets! borrow cds from the library and copy them to your computer! tbh choosing what to listen to every time on streaming gives me brain fatigue. i remember it was very soothing to organize my collection and know that i could play it on shuffle and always find something interesting.
May 17, 2024
If you’ve got an old iPod, CDs, CD-Rs, or other dead-format music libraries stuffed in a closet or storage somewhere, I have to recommend doing whatever is necessary to give them a new lease on life. Seriously: Order that old Dock Connector cable, buy that used Discman, or lumber around in the attic or basement for those buried boxes. I promise it’s worth every bit of the cost and struggle.I recently took a stack of old hard drives to data recovery, hoping to restore decades of lost photos and writings, but instead spent more time combing the MP3 collection I thought I’d lost in a 2015 crash. All the forgotten albums, remixes, bootlegs, DJ edits, and Soundcloud rips were like accessing an alternate mode of music discovery from an earlier version of myself: Oneohtrix Point Never’s Eccojams and early Games cassettes, DJ Sprinkles’ Midtown 120 Blues, Blawan’s “Why They Hide Their Bodies Under My Garage,” Death Grips’ Exmilitary, and innumerable reggae singles, bloghouse remixes, and techno twelves are back from the grave (and loving it!), co-existing alongside years of Bandcamp purchases.
Mar 19, 2024

Top Recs from @mel

​In the nineties, Smylonylon was an incredible universe on Lafayette between Spring and Broome that sold deadstock seventies clothes and mixtapes by the DJ Alex Gloor.  My favorite store ever.  Smylonylon’s influence on fashion endures, and if you know you know. Long ago a great guy on the internet converted my Smylon tapes to MP3, and I’m down to trade mixes with other collectors. Im especially looking for Smylonylon 17, 20 and 25. I have Smylonylon 1, 4, 6, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 28 and 29, as well as Arkle & Sparkle and tynynyny 1 & 2. If anyone knows what I’m talking about, DM me.
Dec 22, 2022
​Red Bull is amazing. The last time i went dancing i drank a dozen of them.  Each one was flawless. I wish I had invented Red Bull. Original is great, but I usually go with Diet.
Dec 22, 2022
​Patato Latkes are iconic. A Hanukkah delicacy. Theyre really hard to make and can often be a disaster, but I recommend them passionately. My mom makes them really well. Eat them with sour cream and applesauce. HOT!
Dec 22, 2022