​Patato Latkes are iconic. A Hanukkah delicacy. Theyre really hard to make and can often be a disaster, but I recommend them passionately. My mom makes them really well. Eat them with sour cream and applesauce. HOT!
Dec 22, 2022

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I am kinda famous amongst my friends and family for making these. I swear they taste like sour candy, they are sooo good. To make them extra delicious, the secret ingredient (and this goes for all potatoes) is love and patience!! Good things take time. <3
Jan 26, 2025
My mother is Norwegian, and makes lefse for every holiday. Lefse is basically a sugary potato tortilla that you coat in butter, dust with white sugar, roll up, and stick in the microwave. I grew up going to church bake sales in Montana, where people were very judgmental about lefse. (It’s a sin to use instant potatoes.) If you want to make your own, the gear is quaint and niche. My mother is always gifting new couples lefse irons, lefse sticks, lefse-themed aprons, perforated lefse rolling pins, etc. I don’t make lefse, and I don’t plan on it, but I order some every year for the holidays. They sell out extremely fast near Christmas, so plan about 6-8 weeks in advance. Comes with ice in the mail.
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