I’ve been watching Big Brother since I was 9 years old. You watch 15 to 20 people enter a house together, choose the head of household, who then puts two people on the block, and you watch as people lie and scheme and align themselves with others until one person ends up winning half a million dollars at the end. There’s no television show I want to be on more. There are Survivor girls, there are Amazing Race girls, but then there’s Big Brother girls, and we’re just built different. I’ve gotten a lot of people addicted to this. It is buckets and buckets of fun. I would start with season 3. The latest season is really really good.
Dec 13, 2023

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I’ll be honest, I have the same attention span as that squirrel from Over the Hedge. So if I need an easy background show my first choice is always Big Brother. I fucking love this show, and the classic seasons are some of the best. However, if you’re only looking for the parts that matter they’re whole playlist on Youtube dedicated to hours of the footage you need to catch up on the Big Brother lore. It goes deep too, some of these winners are like warriors in mythology with how legendary they are. Don’t wanna spoil anything though.
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i never got it until last summer and my boyfriend and I were quite literally obsessed. Watch BB26 for Angela

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